May all your chosen realities come true

December 27, 2016

I have to admit to you that writing this particular Star Letter was incredibly difficult. As the New Year is approaching I have been receiving questions from readers who have been wondering what the New Year will bring in their lives. Will they make their dreams come true finally? How will life look like in 2017? I looked for the connection points between our potential at altering physical reality and physics but they were so difficult to pinpoint. As you know we are dealing with a lot of invisible but proven hidden dimensions. At least 8 dimensions are not visible. I spent the last few days being immersed in the world of Gravitational Waves, Parallel Universes, Hidden Dimensions and String Theory most importantly. One can spend a whole lifetime surrounded by experiments and articles in the millions. But yet find nothing to connect it to real life. And here is where everything just hit me. What is real life? Is real life an experience that is taking place in the fabric of the cosmos within the string theory which tells us that we live on a membrane, a string stretched out thin? Is real life the result of two membranes colliding and creating the big bang? Is real life taking place in one small corner of a vast multiverse and we are just one of many versions of ourselves? Is this what real is? And as I write this I can hear the silent answer of this question. I can hear it much more than I can see it. The discovery of the truth spans many decades and there is a very good chance that it will span thousands of years and this version of me and you won’t be here anymore. So today after feeling days of frustration trying to connect the dots between gravity, hidden dimensions and a human being I am going to share with you that maybe the truth lies in the invisibility of a black hole or being unable to see inside a supernova. And that the only way we will ever discover what is the world made of is through the lack of eyesight. The invisibility of some of the dimensions may be a gift after all. Since we can’t really see them we have to shift our perception to look at things differently. Just like the way string theory showed up as 5 string theories but ultimately it was only one. M theory. The only way we can understand any of this is if we find a way out of this physical reality. By allowing our consciousness to travel to a non physical place where we can witness all the versions of ourselves, we can come to the realization that this reality is truly one of infinite many. So here is my connection point. If I was to take all the proven discoveries of the universe and insert them inside my life, I would be able to live different versions of this reality depending on which one I chose to look at.  If we allow ourselves to experiment with our own life then maybe we will find our own way into another universe. We could find our way into our own special string theory where the fabric of our own cosmos lives. Maybe the discoveries of the universe also exist inside the perception of our own life. And if we applied it we would be able to change our destiny by witnessing the version of ourselves in a different universe. How? According to what we know so far witnessing something changes its behavior. Witnessing something makes it more real. Makes it the chosen universe. Consciousness is a part of the cosmos and since we are consciousness we can choose what we look at, where we look at it from and how invisible it is. Consciousness is the connection point. It is the eyes that see what is invisible. So today I want to ask your consciousness to let go of this very concrete reality you believe in. Find your way into a gravitational wave and travel to realities you have never been able to do so before. As 2017 is approaching use this knowledge to imagine a different life for yourself, witness a version of you in a different world and live there for a few moments. What will happen next will surprise you. A separate universe from the one you are experiencing life in will be reflected into yours through you witnessing it. We experience synchronicities and realities that seem too coincidental to be random events. And maybe just maybe we don’t have to wait for the far away future to explain to us that there is a way to travel from one universe to the next. Maybe the hidden dimensions are even more real than this third physical dimension you are experiencing this moment in. Maybe we are the key to the universe and nobody can tell this to us but us.  Maybe we are not really imprisoned or saved by gravity or belong to only one reality. Maybe in fifth dimension we can experience all of the versions of us, in all of our potential. And if that’s so the least we can do is imagine a new reality for ourselves in 2017. Just one. See now, that can’t be that hard since it’s possible that we have the capacity of witnessing infinite realities in a multiverse location or locations. And if this is not very easily translatable, the simple version of this request is that I am asking you to daydream. Daydream and see yourself in the best possible reality you want. While you are day dreaming believe that this version of you absolutely and completely exists somewhere else. Because the math says that it does. And that is a fact. And if that’s true then anything is possible. Welcome to 2017. May all your chosen realities come true. (Click to Tweet) With stardust, Christina Christina Rasmussen is the creator and founder of The Life Reentry® Institute, Second Firsts, The Life Starters and Star Letters. Christina is on a crusade to help millions of people rebuild, reclaim, and relaunch their lives using the power of their own minds. Christina’s work has been featured on ABC News, NPR, The White House Blog, and She is the bestselling author of Second Firsts: Live, Laugh, and Love Again, which has also been translated in Chinese and German and is currently working on her second book on expanding the mind in ways that allows co creation with the forces of the universe. She is also writing her first work of fiction: a science fiction story about a woman on a quest to start over and begin a new life.

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How do I get through the holidays?

December 20, 2016

As the Holidays are approaching I thought I would respond to a question from a reader who lost her beloved husband and is having a tough time during the holidays. The question was sent to me last week and it said: “How do I get through these Holidays intact? This is the first Christmas without my husband, how to I not fall to pieces?   Dear anonymous, Losing someone you loved is not easy. It is especially not easy during the holidays when the collective world around us appears to be celebrating. You see, when everyone else is buying Christmas gifts and is out and about in the world having a good time, they are all energetically connected to us. Strangers. Friends. Family. All of them. Their excitement is sent to our own nervous system. Their energy is thrown specifically to the heart. You feel this jolt of energy which in turn affects your body’s grounding levels and it puts you in the wrong kind of excited state. This excited state when you are in grief mode shakes your nervous system. Everything in your body then goes against its calm state. Not only are you dealing with the everyday feeling of pain of a broken heart but now you are being influenced by the world’s ungrounded holiday experience. As you know I look at our most difficult questions and explore answers that are not your typical or basic human responses. I do that because the everyday advice we get is not enough anymore. There is knowledge out there that can truly help us in our evolution. Today I am going to ask you to do something you are not expecting in this context. Take your shoes off every time the electric current around you is getting you to this excited state that brings heart palpitations, stress, additional grief and ultimately delays your healing journey. Why take your shoes off? Because the ground is capable of transferring electrons to or receiving electrons from a charged object in order to neutralize that object. We have to neutralize this charge that is un-grounding us. This excess charge takes you to the edge of your grief and pain and makes you feel like you will fall to pieces. You asked how to get through the holidays intact and my answer to that is take your shoes off and get closer to Earth. First and foremost you will have to find a way to literally put your feet on the ground. And I don’t mean the floor on your house. I mean soil. Grass. Sand. All of it. This helps you not only sleep better, have less physical pain of any kind but also reduce stress and alter your mood. If the stars could speak they would tell us that the Earth under our feet is here to help mend our hearts. (click to tweet) We are not meant to block it with our shoes, rubber soles and shielding it from our bodies. Especially during the holidays and while our heart is broken. If you did just one thing during this tough season take off your shoes and feel the earth for at least 30 minutes every day. Do it while you are eating, reading, texting even. I know it’s not the best thing but the priority here is to get our feet on the ground. That’s it. Out there in space there is no pain, no nervous system but here there is a lot of it. A lot of feelings. This is why the stars are out there, and the earth is right here. The earth is here to help us with our feelings. I know right? Of course its also here for our physical existence but we have underestimated the emotional work that earth does for us. My dear anonymous I know that taking your shoes off is not going to answer all the questions but it will make it easier for you to breathe, survive the energetic field that is strong right now and get you to the New Year. And that is all we need right this moment. Have an earthly holiday and I hope you are already taking your shoes off. With stardust, Christina Christina Rasmussen is the creator and founder of The Life Reentry® Institute, Second Firsts, The Life Starters and Star Letters. Christina is on a crusade to help millions of people rebuild, reclaim, and relaunch their lives using the power of their own minds. Christina’s work has been featured on ABC News, NPR, The White House Blog, and She is the bestselling author of Second Firsts: Live, Laugh, and Love Again, which has also been translated in Chinese and German and is currently working on her second book on expanding the mind in ways that allows co creation with the forces of the universe. She is also writing her first work of fiction: a science fiction story about a woman on a quest to start over and begin a new life. If you also have a big question about life please ask here. Painting by josep moncada

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Divorce is Not Real in the Quantum World

December 13, 2016

This past week I received a question that I had to ponder on for a while. The question went like this “What if we lose someone but they are still here. As in divorce? What if you still hold the love but they do not? Will that love ever live again? Dear anonymous, I am so sorry about your loss of someone who is still physically alive but not physically together with you. I used to say that divorce is like being in love with a ghost, he/she is alive for everyone else but not for you. Today I want to introduce you to another truth. One that I believe is more real for better or for worse than the one that we are humanly aware of. The answer to ‘will that love ever live again’ is always a yes. Whether it is here in this time and space experience or in another one, the answer is always yes.  And I love the way you asked this question. What if you still hold the love but they do not. Holding love for someone is an experience that is far more complex than we can see. One of the reasons why separations are so impossible and difficult it is because of something called quantum entanglement. The word entanglement in quantum physics refers to particles that can be intimately linked to each other even if separated by space, time and everything you can imagine. Whatever happens to one particle in one location will influence the other. When there is unity and then a separation the particles can never be the same as they once were. They have been forever entangled. They have been forever defined by each other. Even in part. You are still interacting with the person you are separated from via something called spooky action at a distance. Einstein said that particles such as electrons can also become ‘entangled’ no matter how far apart they are! This is why it is so hard to truly ever separate with someone we loved or still love. For you, this connection with him is operating outside of time and space. It is illogical and impractical through our human eyes. But if we look at it from a quantum view we would see this connection that does not break no matter what the physical world looks like. And if you pay attention you will actually start to notice a lot of correlations between the two of you. The entanglement of love will create an invisible interaction even if you or him wish for it to be different. There is nothing anyone can do about it. You are connected and intimately linked to each other even if separated by many lifetimes. Our interactions with one another are internal, energetic and in a subatomic level through a unifying field. (click to tweet) How so? Here is a breakdown of how this happens. The whole universe is made up of one energy source. This energy is a part of everything. Your thoughts, your particles were joined and when they separated they were connected beyond a physical form.   Your nervous system was beating in alignment with his when you were together and still does now. If only we could find a way to see this invisible entanglement we would notice that distance, separation and disconnection does not change the fact that you are connected. Now anonymous, I know that this does not help with the physical feeling of loving someone who is not with you every day. And it doesn’t make the human separation any easier to deal with just because you now know that you are forever entangled with him. But what it does do is give an awareness to the fact that there is never any real separation. There is never a true goodbye. If we can see beyond this physical form or even this one life, then we will see that it has always been ‘until we meet again.’  For now and for this moment know that your love for each other still exists beyond disagreements, beyond human decisions it lives on and on. And if somehow we were able to be happy with knowing this then we would also find the strength and courage to fall in love again with someone else creating a new entanglement across the universe. After all we are here to love more than once or twice. With unlimited entanglement to you. Christina Christina Rasmussen is the creator and founder of The Life Reentry® Institute, Second Firsts, The Life Starters and Star Letters. Christina is on a crusade to help millions of people rebuild, reclaim, and relaunch their lives using the power of their own minds. Christina’s work has been featured on ABC News, NPR, The White House Blog, and She is the bestselling author of Second Firsts: Live, Laugh, and Love Again, which has also been translated in Chinese and German and is currently working on her second book on expanding the mind in ways that allows co creation with the forces of the universe. She is also writing her first work of fiction: a science fiction story about a woman on a quest to start over and begin a new life. PS. If you want to ask your own question to the stars please do so here. 

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Have We Met Before?

December 6, 2016

One of the questions I received this last week from a reader was... “Dear Stars, will I see the people I lost again?” Dear Anonymous, I feel your deep longing for the people you lost. I know you need some rest or at least reassurance that somehow, somewhere there is this possibility of being with them again. I am choosing the word being, instead of seeing, or meeting them again because it’s the being with them that you miss. The feelings you had when you sat by their side, when you kissed them or danced with them. This longing is heavy and so overbearing that it stops you from living life again. But today, I want you to imagine that you will experience being with the people you lost once again. How do I know this? Here is how. Consciousness is the last frontier and first frontier. It is quite possible that we might not have all the answers to the questions, because we are meant to experience the truth and not be told the truth. Why do we need to wait for a scientist, or a priest or a historian to give us the answers? The journey to the truth might not be a collective journey at first but an individual one. When many arrive to the truth, the rest will follow. Imagine this for me. There are these particles called electrons and protons, which only occur when someone observes them. Which means that if we don’t see them, they are not there. This leads us into one direction, that this physical world you see around you, the chairs, the floor, the house you are living in, the trees and everything you see may be created from consciousness. The seeing of them gives birth to them. Who is seeing? Your consciousness. What is consciousness? It is that knowing behind your eyes. So, if that knowing behind your eyes has created all of this and it does not require this physical engine that pumps blood every day, then it’s an independent experience outside of us. And it can find its way to another living body, universe and experience when this body is no longer able. There is also a lot of human truth around the fact that we can’t prove that consciousness survives. There is actually a lot of strong evidence to prove that it doesn’t. We have not evolved enough to have the evidence for this yet. So, this cycle of finding the proof begins and there is no end in sight. And there won’t be for a really long time. Maybe never. But here’s what I want you to focus on. We are not meant to be told from a governing body whether our consciousness survives. We are meant to find the truth through experience. Through the familiar feeling of having been here before. Of having this feeling of knowing someone who you just met for the first time. Where do you think this feeling comes from? And why don’t we trust it? Why don’t we trust our own journey and wait to be told how to feel through someone else’s? The next time you meet someone for the first time and you have that familiar feeling, grab their hand and hold their gaze for a little longer. Ask them, have we met before? You are going to be surprised with the answers. And after a while you won’t be surprised anymore. Even though you don’t remember them... the feeling of being together is never forgotten. (Click to Tweet!) If only millions of people did just that. Wow. When you lose someone it hurts so much because you have lost them before in many lifetimes prior to this one. And the good news is that it’s very likely that you will be with them again, love them and lose them again. The timeless gift of our consciousness is to be with the people we love many times, in many embraces around many suns and in many lifetimes. Loss is part of love, and love is part of loss. Consciousness brings these together so it feels like it was our first time and our last time all at once. Consciousness is the feeling of knowing everything and knowing nothing. The seeing of the universe and the blindness of the whole.  Dear Anonymous, you have asked this question in many lifetimes before, and you will ask it again until the knowing inside of you becomes so strong that you won’t have to ask anymore. You will just know. That is when science, physics and even spirituality won’t have to work so hard to prove it. The quiet knowing will have done its job. With stardust, Christina Christina Rasmussen is the creator and founder of The Life Reentry® Institute, Second Firsts, The Life Starters and Star Letters. Christina is on a crusade to help millions of people rebuild, reclaim, and relaunch their lives using the power of their own minds. Christina’s work has been featured on ABC News, NPR, The White House Blog, and She is the bestselling author of Second Firsts: Live, Laugh, and Love Again, which has also been translated in Chinese and German and is currently working on her second book on expanding the mind in ways that allows co creation with the forces of the universe. She is also writing her first work of fiction: a science fiction story about a woman on a quest to start over and begin a new life.

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