Christina Rasmussen

Slowing Down Is A Prayer

Something happens when we find it in our heart to slow down.

The right energy catches up with us.

Maybe the saying ‘go slow to go fast’ is true.

Maybe speed is not human.

Maybe it’s the opposite of happiness.

A synonym for darkness.

Maybe learning how to go fast is easier than learning how to go slow.

Lately, I realized that my slower pace produced more.

It’s was like slowing everything down allowed me to birth a new life.

Going fast kept me in labor. For a long long time.

Since I slowed down the last few weeks, I re-released Second Firsts.

Sold a house and bought a house.

And launched a new podcast series while moving out of my home at the same time.

I have to tell you I really slowed down.

I slowed down so much I was scared I would not be able to start again.

And look what happened.

I feel like I discovered the biggest treasure.

OK. OK. Let me find the words for this.

What happens when we slow down?

We have direct access to the force.

Call it God. Universe. Guides. Divinity.

Slowing down is like a prayer. Oh my world. That’s it. (Click to tweet!)

Slow is synonym to prayer.

A direct link to everything we need.

When I stopped running at first I was really sad and scared.

And the ache in my heart (which I call depression) was still present.

Then I noticed it leaving me and in its place life-changing creations came to be that felt easy to make.

I also gave birth to a new belief.

You know, beliefs are hard to birth.

Most of them are installed in our childhood.

New positive ones are almost like miracles.

The new belief said you don’t have to work so hard to make beautiful things.

And as you know, beliefs create our reality.

And I can’t wait to see what happens next with this new view of my life.

Slow it all down even in situations you think it’s impossible.

Especially with those.

It’s going to be OK. Breathe. Look around you. You got this.

With prayers,


P.S. This time next week I will probably be somewhere in the middle of the country.

We would have been driving for 24 hours by then. Make sure you follow me on instagram @christinarasmussen7  and on facebook as I will be posting pics during our road trip to Austin and our new home. And I hope you subscribe to the Dear Life Podcast and take me with you in your car. On your hikes. And when you slow everything down:

On The Mend

What’s Your Song?

You have to be willing to break into a song while in your worst day. That’s right. Start singing while you are on the floor

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