Christina Rasmussen

Go Back To The Battleground To Save Your Life

I had a mammogram scheduled this week, and I wasn’t just dreading it. 

I was petrified of it. 

And this was not the only time I felt terror for a simple test. 

I spent months coughing over the summer and I avoided every X ray I was offered. 

You see, when you spend years as a caregiver seeing death, destruction and lives completely changed through disease you are terrified of a simple diagnostic test. 

You have what I call Medical diagnosis phobia

I came up with this term as nothing else was close to describing the fear when I enter a diagnostic machine of any kind. 

This letter may not be as poetic as all the others, but it is equally important. 

I want to ask you to be brave when it comes to these diagnostic tests. 

I know how scary it is to have them.

Doing the mammogram this week was not fun but afterwards I went and found myself the most tasty vegan cauliflower and potato pie and celebrated my courage. 

I was proud of myself for getting the test done regardless of the terror. 

I don’t use the word terror lightly. 

For people like you and I, who have seen as much as we have it is terrifying to go back to the battle grounds. 

Today I will ask you to do just that. 

If you have a test you need to get done like a mammogram, colonoscopy, scan or you have had symptoms that you have been ignoring, please call and make the appointment. (Click to tweet!)

Then, either reply to this message just to tell me you did it, so I can celebrate with you. 

Or if you are reading this blog on social media, please write in the comment area that you called your doctor or scheduled your test. 

I want you to live a healthy and long life. 

You and I still have a big life to live and work to do here on earth. 

Let’s keep each other alive. 

I know I can’t take the fear away on that day, but I can share my fears with you so you never feel alone when you go back to the battle ground. 

With diagnosis phobia and love for my life,


P.S. I hope you are listening in:

PPS. And if you are looking for life changing gifts for your family and friends I hope you gift them Second Firsts and Where Did You Go?

On The Mend

Sitting With You

I have to be honest.  It is a hard day to write.  I am sitting here looking for the words and the events of the

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