Christina Rasmussen

The Inheritance

I have been more emotional lately. 

I know you have too. 

There is something in the air. Isn’t there? 

Something ungraspable. 


Quite unspoken. 

Even though we do speak of it. 

I see it in people’s eyes. 

Heaviness sitting inside emptiness.

How do we even begin to understand it?  

A burden like no other. 

It is as if it wasn’t part of the pain education we ever got. 

And because nobody taught us about the current burden of the world, it is impossible to carry. Why?

A burden that is unfamiliar is harder to lift. 

We don’t know how to hold it. 

We can’t see it, we just feel it. 

We sense it in others. They sense it in us. 

It is as if gravity is unwavering. 

The only way to make this any easier is to see the burden. 

To find the name for it. 

You see, it is something that has always been a part of our human history. 

Us human beings have been through unthinkable things. 

And yet every hundred years or so we forget the burden we have carried before. 

But it has always been a part of our human story. (Click to tweet!)

It has always been our INHERITANCE. 

I kind of like that word. It makes it easier to understand. 

It also reminds us of its familiarity. 

Just like our great grandparents have lived through collective sorrows, we too are going through something similar. 

And when we look at old pictures of them, during a time that resembles this one, stare at their eyes and you will see that same empty heaviness. 

But keep looking and you will also recognize resilience and a fighting spirit. Because they too remembered that this has happened before.

It is the inheritance that comes with being human. 

And now that you know, take that empty heaviness and fill it in with hope. 

You see, knowing the kind of burden that this is, makes it easier to carry and heal it. 

Hold your arms out and lift it. There. 

There you go. There we go. 

With gravity,


P.S. And if you have one hour this weekend take a listen to my conversation with Dr Jade Teta about the simplest way to eat, move and be healthy. It is a game changer. Listen to the DEAR LIFE PODCAST HERE

On The Mend

60 Seconds

I was determined to get there. I wanted to conquer my brain and find a way to not listen to the lies it was internally

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