Christina Rasmussen

Growing Older

Today is Eric’s 50th birthday. 

My second husband’s birthday. 

This morning I woke up grateful for him being alive. 

Breathing. Moving. Being here to celebrate his 50th year. 

For those who don’t know my story, my first husband died when he was 35. 

Eric’s first wife also died at 35. 

For us, getting to 50 is such a blessing. 

We celebrate aging. 

We scream it from the rooftops. 

I am going to keep my letter short today, as I want to go and spend time with him. 

People like you and I understand the magnificence of the present moment. 

The passing of time. And the blessing of another chance at love and happiness. 

Forgive me for not writing more, my brain, my heart is with him. 

And one more thing. 

My first husband Bjarne would always shake his head when people would complain about growing older. He would say, I wish I was that lucky. 

So, wherever you are today, however old you are, take a deep breath and stay in this moment, it is our one and only forever. 


With so much love for you,


On The Mend

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