Christina Rasmussen

Share Yourself

The world loses part of its terror when we tell another person about the things that upset us. 

When we do that our world evolves. It changes into a more habitable form. 

Consider this: Every time you muster the courage to share your feelings with the right person, you extend the period you feel truly alive. It is almost like a feeling of resurrection because someone is seeing your inner world which is much larger than our outer one. 

You see, every day, even when the sun rises and sets, our hearts can feel weary.  It doesn’t take a lot to feel a lot.

Even in our fiercest selves, humans are incredibly vulnerable; we are born with a tremendous amount of sensitivity. So when we hide that vulnerability from the people around us we feel a huge burden. 

This burden we carry with us everywhere and all the time. 

The burden of feeling a lot, but showing as if we are feeling very little, or nothing at all. 

This is a devastating duality. 

It is not only harmful to our health and our well-being, but it is also deadly to the true and Original Self. 

Do not underestimate the significance of sharing your feelings.

It is without a doubt the most life-saving act we can do for ourselves. In many ways, when I write to you, I feel seen even if I will never know if you read what I write, or even if you agree. 

Just the act of writing thoughts that I don’t normally share with others is a deeply felt experience for me. 

Even when I sit down to write, I often don’t really know what will be shared. Some of the things we carry are so deeply buried that they are invisible to us until we start to open that door of the Waiting Room and we surrender to the exit as much as possible. 

We all have to take a big risk when we dare reveal what’s hiding within. We are not talking about our big secrets here, but our feelings of rejection, abandonment, betrayal, being misunderstood, and a range of other emotions that exist within the space between these words. 

As you may know, I created an Invisible Loss Library so we can all start sharing our feelings even anonymously. It is enough. Enough for the healing journey to begin.

I dreamed of this digital space, where millions of people one day would share the unseen parts of themselves. 

Imagine living in a world where we see one another, and because of that, we can finally understand ourselves and the journey we have been on. 

For today, and for this week, the question I would love for you to ask yourself, is: What is keeping me from sharing more of myself with the people in my life?

You may be resistant to this question at first, but grab a pen and paper and start writing whatever comes to you. 

It’s a start. And that my friend, is the most marvelous thing in the world. 

With lots of sharing,



If you pre-order one copy of Invisible Loss you get a conversation starter guide. If you pre-order two copies, or one paper copy and an audible for example, you get to come join me and a few other courageous souls in an intimate conversation in a private Facebook group in addition to the guide.



On The Mend