Christina Rasmussen

Your Messiest Drawer

Sometimes, change comes in ways you never expected. 

You feel a force pushing you to do something that is confusing at first. 

Trust it. It carries a message. 

The only way to know what the message is, is to take the action. 

And only then you will figure out what in the world is moving around in your life. 

Because something is moving. 

It doesn’t look like what you thought it would. 

Quite a few changes have taken place this last year for me. 

Some very unexpected. Some timely. 

But the changes of this past year started to have a say in other parts of my life. 

Even the parts that were not to be changed. 

The parts that were supposed to be good. 

The things I never truly questioned. Oh, my world. 

When the questions started to come in I was shocked. 

I sat with the questions. 

I wrote about them. I cleansed them in my journal. 

I walked inside the words I wrote. I started to see something. 

Something that was waiting for me to visit it. 

I had parked it there a long time ago when my life was a bigger battlefield and I could only fight two or three battles at once. 

I left this part of my life there and said ‘it is ok for now.’ 

Certainly better than everything else I have going for me, let it be my ground, my foundation. 

I was grateful for it. I still am. 

But now after all these years I no longer have the same level of war in my life. The thing I left untouched, is now asking for an upgrade. 

In other words, it is asking for its own battle. 

So I brought it front and center to see what needed to be done. 

Of course, in my head, the voice says, oh no, not this too. 

But yes, this too. Especially this. 

And everything else that will go along with it. 

Don’t you ever think that when you change one thing, only one thing changes. 

Everything around it will rise too. 

And since this is the part of my life that kept me going while in battle, it is the final part of me that helped me survive. 

As you can imagine my life in the last couple of weeks has been messy. 

Painful too. But how else can you do this? 

This is the part that most people never change, never question. 

And it always holds them back from a more deserving life. 

We have 20 days left in 2021 and I am shedding everything that was part of my life that was good, but not good enough. 

Along with this, I am emptying drawers, closets, going through everything, and taking it out of my house, my life. Everything must go. 

I am done with all the parts of me that cannot stand up straight. 

Your homework is to go back to the parts of your life that got you through and ask if you still are in dire need of them. It is time for them to be upgraded, shed, cleansed, and do what you must do with them. 

If it’s ever time, it is now. 

If it ever was a question, answer it. 

If you don’t know where to look, go to your messiest drawer. 

Open it. Pull it out. Empty it. 

Write about it. 

See what that drawer has to say. 

And start from there. 


With empty drawers, 


On The Mend