Christina Rasmussen

Have a Meaningful Thanksgiving

I find daily life that is made of anything but meaning, pointless.

Books that deal with drama, uninteresting.

Gatherings that have superficial conversations, waste of time.

And at this juncture I always add, especially for those of us who have endured loss.

The time we spend in the nothingness of routine can actually put us in depression.

Maybe one of the reasons the holiday season is hard for us is because of the meaningless hours we spend sitting together with people who choose to interact superficially.

Avoiding eye contact. Feelings.

But stay in discussions on politics, celebrity gossip, things that have no life in them.

And there you are, across the room, with heart full of meaning and emotion listening to them, wanting to scream and run out the door.

It may feel as if everyone is asleep while you have no choice but to be awake.

It can feel as if language is made of constant noise.

And this is why I will not say have a happy Thanksgiving.

I will though say have a meaningful one.

Seek a real conversation with someone today. Whether it’s on text. In person. At dinner. With your pet. With a character on television. An imaginary one. With yourself. (Click Here to Tweet!)

Write about what matters to you in a journal if you are alone.

Watch a movie that moves you.

Shut down anything that is out of alignment.

Just give thanks to the moments that are made of truth.

Even if it is truth that hurts.

Meaningless noise doesn’t remove pain, it adds to it.

An invitation to a Thanksgiving dinner made of small talk can break you.

Instead just say thanks to anyone who looks you in the eyes today.

Even if it is a stranger at the coffee shop.

Another person sitting in the car next to yours.

You see, you are not alone in your quest for meaning today, millions of people feel more alone today than any other day.

Let’s change that, together.

With hope,


PS. 27 days until Where Did You Go is in all of our lives.


On The Mend