Christina Rasmussen

How To Find Love In Quarantine?

How do we find love while in quarantine? 

While in isolation.

What happens to those who have yet to meet their first or second soulmates.

They dreamed of meeting them at the library, at the bookstore, at the cafe, at the pub. 

At conferences, at work. 

They never dreamed of meeting them at home. 

What happens now? 

How do we find our way to each other when we are not supposed to be together? 

Nobody speaks of this kind of loss. 

The loss of not meeting your future love. 

Because you can’t run into each other. 

You can’t cross paths. 

This kind of loss can tilt the axis of the earth. 

Almost like a Romeo and Juliet story. 

Our imaginary worlds of true love are now threatened to never come true. 

I have not read or seen anyone referring to this kind of loss. 

Just because it is not the loss of a person who you have already met, it doesn’t mean it is not a loss. It is the loss of the person we were supposed to meet. 

The love that was waiting for you, somewhere in the future. 

Especially for those who have already lost someone they loved. 

Or for those who were left by their husbands or wives. 

Those with broken hearts. 

They were looking for their new loves, everywhere. 

But now the everywhere that belonged to them is shut down. Closed up. 

The libraries are closed. The cafes too. The restaurants are gone. 

We have to learn a different kind of finding love. 

Ok, my darling, listen up. 

We have to start imagining new ways of meeting. 

I know you dreaded meeting someone online. 

The dreaded online dating. 

But what does it really mean to meet someone online? 

We have to redefine it. 

We have to see it as a vast universe of possibilities. 

Now you get the chance to visit with someone in Iceland if you wished, without having to visit the Blue Lagoon. 

You could start a relationship with someone in France, Spain, Australia. Norway. 

Oh my world. All these different ways someone can call you my love

Mon amour. Mi amor. Min kjærlighet

If I was single I would feel my heart’s joy, my eyes would open wide. 

And I could imagine a soulmate as far away as the furthest corners of the earth. 

Our souls have always been non local. 

Deep down this is more natural than we think it is. 

Listen, and remember this. 

We will all one day go back to visiting our local worlds. 

Back to the neighborhood cafes and restaurants. 

Meeting a partner from Iceland or New Zealand may not feel as natural as it feels right now. 

Seize the moment of this non local world. 

Imagine your future love waiting for you somewhere in a beautiful country. 

Go on, go online, post your selfies and tell the world about yourself. 

Seek to find a new love in a non local version of life. 

Falling in love first, with each other’s souls. 

After all, this is how we met each other. 

Non locally. 

Isn’t it?

So…what are you waiting for. 


With non local love,


P.S. I did a two minute podcast to tell you good morning. Listen Here.

On The Mend