Christina Rasmussen

You Can Find Love Again

Once a year humans on earth celebrate love.

Love is energy that lives outside of time and space.

It travels to the other side after death and it is found again in both the non-physical and physical worlds.

It is magical. It defies laws.

It is immortal.

It connects us to the many humans we get to interact with over the course of this lifetime.

But when we lose love we feel as if the whole universe collapses around us. We feel as though we can never have it again.

Today, I want to respond to a question I received from a reader that has to do with finding love again.

Will I ever be happy again?

Is my current situation worth the battle or should I let go and stop giving my all to find happiness and love? The only person I’ve ever known without a shadow of a doubt loved me passed away. I lost my fiance March 23, 2012. He was my best friend and treated me like every girl wanted to be treated.

Dear anonymous,

Losing someone you loved and loved you is like all the lights around you are turned off.

It is like the air you were breathing to stay alive, vanished.

In the darkness of the night that surrounds you and in the airless space you are occupying you think love is never going to come back.

But what is this thing called love that we cannot see, smell, touch but governs everything we do?

Love defies science, physics and any kind of experiments.

As Einstein said “It would be possible to describe everything scientifically, but it would make no sense. It would be a description without meaning—as if you described a Beethoven symphony as a variation of wave pressure.”

One thing we know for sure is that love cannot be destroyed and it can be transferred.

The amount of energy in the Universe remains the same no matter what happens.

Whenever energy disappears an equivalent amount of some other form of energy must be produced.

Dear anonymous, the air you stopped breathing is still around you. The light that has left is waiting for you in another room.

Love is energy transferred from you to him, to somewhere else, then back to you.

Love is meant to be found again and again via different experiences and people.

You are here to love more than once or twice.

Your fiance may have left this world but there are two things I know for sure.

First and foremost his love for you is still here, it is being expressed in other ways and in other places.

You have to look for these places.

And second of all, the love you experienced with him is timeless, spaceless, non-physical.

It doesn’t end just because the physical expression of the love you had is no longer here.

It will always be a part of you.

What I am going to ask you to do might not be easy at first but it will get easier with time.

Start looking for places and people that remind you of the happiness you felt when your fiance was still physically here.

Spend your time there.

For example, go have dinner at a brand new restaurant that he would have loved.

His love for you will be energetically present at that table you will be sitting at.

Remember all the ways he saw you. Don’t stop seeing yourself…his way.

Look for people who bring these parts out of you.

I read this quote the other day from a book called ‘My Heart and Other Black Holes’,

“…energy travels and transfers when people pay attention. Maybe that’s what love really boils down to having someone who cares enough to pay attention so that you’re encouraged to travel and transfer, to make your potential energy spark into kinetic energy.”

I care enough to write this letter to you today to tell you to travel and transfer the love you had together in another experience, form, space, person or even language.

The experience of you with him is still in this universe. Love transfers.

Now go out and live your life knowing that you can never stop looking for love.

Never stop believing that it is out there waiting for you to witness it, feel it, immerse yourself in it.

Your fiance’s love for you can never be destroyed, it just changes form.

Don’t stop giving your all to find love again. (Click to Tweet!)

With Stardust,


Christina Rasmussen is the creator and founder of The Life Reentry® Institute, Second Firsts, The Life Starters and Star Letters. Christina is on a crusade to help millions of people rebuild, reclaim, and relaunch their lives using the power of their own minds. Christina’s work has been featured on ABC News, NPR, The White House Blog, and She is the bestselling author of Second Firsts: Live, Laugh, and Love Again, which has also been translated in Chinese and German and is currently working on her second book on expanding the mind in ways that allows co creation with the forces of the universe. She is also writing her first work of fiction: a science fiction story about a woman on a quest to start over and begin a new life.

On The Mend