Christina Rasmussen

You Didn’t Leave

What if you were free. 

To be what you feel

To scream out your name. 

And jump inside the pain

Would you? 

Live in it. 

Be in it

Without fright. 

Just you walking in pleight. 

With yourself in mind.

Would you?

Would you do it?

If it was true 

To live not feeling blue 

To conquer the grief 

In brief

In lift of you 

Oh Lord,

Your eyes can see me

Your heart can hear me

You didn’t leave 

You just waited for me 

To scream my own name

And swim inside my own pain. 

Is the only way to be beside you

I knew it then 

When it felt like I was spent

Inside each day’s lens

Your lens. 

Your parallels

Inside the grief 

You left for me

So I could be free to sleep

And wake inside your plane. 

Between the edges of your Grace 

In Light. 

In Dark. 

In Heavenly Land.


With poetry,


P.S. We did it. We recorded 100 episodes of the Dear Life Podcast. 

And we celebrated with the stars. 

Enjoy this fun conversation with Astrologist Debra Silverman. Listen here:

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