Christina Rasmussen

On The Mend

 Christina’s 12 year old weekly blog


Take a Chance

“Trust me.” I heard the most faint whisper say. “It’s going to be ok. Do it.” “Do what?” I responded. “Take a chance.” the whisper

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The Visit

It is said that grief lasts forever. In a way it does. It lives inside of you for decades. Silenced by life, awakened by memories.

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Ridiculously Afraid

I didn’t know that I had to become courageous… forever… after loss. I mistakenly believed that being courageous was only necessary for a couple of

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What’s Your Song?

You have to be willing to break into a song while in your worst day. That’s right. Start singing while you are on the floor

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Find the Code

Emotional pain is not all the same. Not measured in a simple scale of easy, hard, very hard. It has many directions. It moves across

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Together Forever

Oh life, you are so complex. You give, you take. We ask. You respond. We live. We die. We lose. We cry. We mourn. We re

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It was not like any other day. Something was in the air. A heaviness, with no name. A knowing. A goodbye. An Ending. A full stop. And

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Christina's Books