Christina Rasmussen

On The Mend

 Christina’s 12 year old weekly blog


The Inheritance

I have been more emotional lately.  I know you have too.  There is something in the air. Isn’t there?  Something ungraspable.  Unknowable.  Quite unspoken.  Even

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My Hard Won Truths

Lately the whole world has been suffering a lot more than usual.  So today I decided to share with you my very own hard won

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Changing Chairs

I always write this letter from inside my own life.  From day one I have promised myself to sit and write it no matter what

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The Floorless Life

Once upon a time, a day came that took everything from you.  And you crumbled at the nothingness.  And you stepped inside of it looking

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The Life Lifter

Sometimes I feel like I can see you in your home, in your life, in your pain. And the last thing you need is someone

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Your Pen Pal

It’s late Thursday night, writing this letter to you.  If you live in the US you will get it first thing Friday morning.  With your

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The Weathered House

I realized that my aging is more physically evident lately.  It is like a beautiful weathered house on the water.  It looks different when it’s

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Christina's Books